Greetings from Lock Down in South Africa!

Well, I think it’s safe to say that 2020 has brought some unexpected developments! We are safely and very comfortably spending lock down here in South Africa, working very hard to look after 9 gorgeous babies and children alongside a fantastic team. We’re not quite sure when we’ll be able to return to the UK, but the plan was to return in late June! Thanks to Wyke Dorset Cottages, our brilliant cleaner Lucie and an inevitable cousin, we have been able to stay on top of the changing news and needs at this very challenging time.

Due to Covid -19, and according to Wyke’s emergency policy, most of our Bell Haven bookings through April, May and June have now been cancelled and we await the government’s briefing on when restrictions might end. Meanwhile, we’re planning to make a few improvements to the property while we have the time – a Hive thermostat should mean that we can better control the heating from afar (and have the house toasty for your arrival!) and insulating and boarding the attic should give us more storage space.

We very much hope that we’ll be up and running in time for the very busy summer holidays.

Along with Wyke, we’d like to invite people to think about booking a holiday in the UK in the autumn – why not come and stay at Bell Haven in September, October or November and put lock down behind us (we hope!). After all, our new thermostat arrangement should ensure a very warm welcome!

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